

"Nuchi-gusui" is a name of Japanese style pub (Izakaya).
This Izakaya is not Asakusa style, but Okinawa Style.
Okinawa is southern islands, tropical paradise :)
  Nuchi=Inochi いのち(命)=life
  Gusui=Kusuri くすり(薬)=medication
Foods, drinks, language and culture in Okinawa are really different from main island ones. Okinawa is very popular in Tokyo.
You can taste typical foods and drinks from Okinawa here.
I like this Agu-buta-donburi!! (Agu-buta is Okinawa pork, donburi is a rice bowl)
Sounds tasty, isn't it!??

Sorry, it's a bit hard to find! It's located on a very small street.
 Address: 1-20-5 Asakusa, Taito-ku
   TEL: 050-5815-6227
This page is not in English! Please ask me if you have any questions about this Izakaya!

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